Birds & Wildlife
Enjoy a coffee or tea whilst viewing our feathered visitors on our feeders or book exclusive use of our hide and take some amazing photos
The photos featured throughout our website are courtesy of Sarah Durnell, a talented local photographer – visit Sarah Darnell’s website to see more of her work. Birds and wildlife regularly visit Algys.
Read what Sarah says about bird and wildlife watching at Algys Farm:
“Probably like so many of you, my love for wildlife came from a childhood enriched by living in the local countryside that we are so lucky to experience here in Norfolk. Even luckier for me, Algy allows me unprecedented access to his farmland where I have had the opportunity of photographying the varied birds and animals. My photographs have been used both nationally and internationally in calendars, magazines, websites and even winning a national competition or two.
By using Algy’s Bintree birdseed and setting up locally hand crafted feeders, we have been able to attract over 25 different bird species and several different mammals to our woodland hide at the farm shop. Just like our farm shop customers we look after our regular callers but everyday is an exciting opportunity to see and sometimes photograph new or seasonal species.
I run beginner workshops on a one-to-one basis or work with a maximum of two intermediate level photographers at any one time from the hide. For any budding photographer who wants to learn how to use more of their camera capabilities or simply have a refresher course then please contact me via my contact page on my website. I really look forward to hearing from you!”